The Spiromix has mixed well over 500m³ of concrete (3,500 bags of cement) with zero faults

The Spiromix has mixed well over 500m³ of concrete (3,500 bags of cement) with zero faults


Between the building of the Zengamina Hydro and the many other school, health centres and building projects in the North Western Province on which the 200H has been used, we conservatively estimate that since 2006 this mixer has mixed well over 500m³ of concrete and mortar mix on multiple projects and there have been zero faults with the Spiromix. That 500m³ calculates to 3,500 bags of cement!!  The hydro supplies power to Kalene Mission Hospital which figured some years ago in a National Geographic Magazine where they said it was at the ‘cutting edge’ delivering health care into Zambia, Angola and DRC.

All schools within a 20 mile radius are now connected to the Zengamina Power Grid.  We still have much to do in that people keep applying to join the power grid and overhead cables must be led to where power is needed.  It is encouraging to see the growth of small local industries which have been birthed because power is available.